Dune towel


Dune terrycloth beach towel

65.29 € 65.29 EUR 65.29 €

79.00 €

Not available online

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Expected delivery time for items in stock: 2 working days.
Buy before 3pm and advance delivery 1 working day.*
+48h Andorra, Balearic Islands, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Ceuta, Melilla, and Gibraltar.
+72h Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera, and El Hierro.
+96h Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
Shipping costs:
7€ Peninsular Spain / 12€ Balearic Islands and Portugal / 20€ Canary Islands, Ceuta, Gibraltar, and Andorra / 30€ Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
Free return guarantee in 14 days​.
(*see Terms and conditions)

Tovallola de platja de rus en tons grocs i blaus
Inclou 4 pinces per fixar la tovallola a la sorra i/o per connectar-la amb altres Tuccas 

Tovallola de rus complet per ambdós costats
Teixida —i no estampada— per a proporcionar millor tacte, assecat i reservar sempre els colors
Butxaca oculta impermeable situada a la cantonada superior (a la vora del cap) per a guardar les pinces Tucca, el mòbil o altres objectes fora de perill de la humitat i la llum directa del sol. Tancament de cremallera
Dimensions: 100 x 180 cm

Cotó orgànic 100%

Renteu a màquina a temperatura màxima 30ºC
No empreu lleixiu
Es pot assecar a l'assecadora i planxar a baixa temperatura
No admet rentat en sec
Cal tenir especial cura amb les superfícies de vores esmolades, roques o objectes com rellotges, joies, etc. Poden enganxar-se amb el rus i estirar els fils. Si això succeís, talleu-los amb unes tisores des de la base

Dissenyada a Espanya i confeccionada a Portugal
There are beach towels, and then there are THE towels. TUCCA is the solution to the discomfort of the wind moving your beach towel, making it almost impossible to stay perfectly spread out. Its design includes 4 clips so you can secure your towel to the sand and connect it with other TUCCA towels.

With them, made of 100% GOTS certified organic cotton, you will enjoy a stylish and comfortable beach experience, and contribute to sustainable manufacturing processes, free of pesticides, herbicides, and other harmful chemicals to the environment.

So don't hesitate and connect with the beach, with yourself, with those you love the most.
