Càntir 2024 Javier Mariscal


Pitcher 2024 — Javier Mariscal

40.50 € 40.5 EUR 40.50 €

49.00 €

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2024 Pitcher from the 74ena Festa del Càntir d’Argentona
Each pitcher is delivered with its own personalized individual box with a sketch of the originaldesign

Made in a cast mold with white ceramic paste and painted red
The three raw stripes stand out visually, made by scratching the red slip layer, removing the white from the casting paste
Limited edition of 5,000 copies
With inscription and numbering on the base

Dimensions: 27 x 20 x 16 cm
Material: pisa ceramic

Design: Javier Mariscal
Edition: Museu del Càntir / Ajuntament d'Argentona
Production: Gómez y Gómez Artesanos
Molds: José Luís Osuna
Coordination: Quim Larrea

Made in Caldes de Montbui, Barcelona
'The Pitcher ​​is a refrigerator without batteries. It is an invention from thousands and more of thousands of years ago. It is portable, it can be filled, it is fragile, if handled carelessly it will break, it is shared with friends and, above all, it is humble, almost anonymous. In summer, when it's hot, he sweats water like you. In the shade of a fig tree, the cool water of the botijo ​​​​is a jewel'. Javier Mariscal
