Duo Sack bag
Duo Sack tote bag
Bossa tote combinada en tela i cuir
Bossa de mà d'estil minimalista
Disponible en 2 versions: Sand (cuir arena) i Red Fluor (cuir taronja)
Dimensions cos: 43 x 37 cm
Sense butxaques
Sense folre
Sense cremalleres
Sarja de lli i cotó
Cuir boví de primera qualitat
Disseny: Cristina Korres
Dissenyat i fet a mà a Barcelona
Bossa tote combinada en tela i cuir
Bossa de mà d'estil minimalista
Disponible en 2 versions: Sand (cuir arena) i Red Fluor (cuir taronja)
Dimensions cos: 43 x 37 cm
Sense butxaques
Sense folre
Sense cremalleres
Sarja de lli i cotó
Cuir boví de primera qualitat
Disseny: Cristina Korres
Dissenyat i fet a mà a Barcelona
CRISTINA KORRES' project arises from a creative idea and the need to express it. But how much is imagination worth? Hers is her thoughts turned into idea, which along with effort and perseverance are channeled into a single purpose: to do what she likes and believe in what she does. And this is priceless...
The distinctive feature of the brand—philosophy aside—is the exclusivity of all its designs. Bags and daily accessories for a modern woman, with a personality not governed by established canons. Leather accessories that exude quality and creativity, some of which have become true icons. Collections of continuity with a particular and recognizable seal. Simplicity and determination. And exquisite taste.
The distinctive feature of the brand—philosophy aside—is the exclusivity of all its designs. Bags and daily accessories for a modern woman, with a personality not governed by established canons. Leather accessories that exude quality and creativity, some of which have become true icons. Collections of continuity with a particular and recognizable seal. Simplicity and determination. And exquisite taste.
Colour | Sand or Orange |
Colour | Sand or Orange |
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