Curs de feminisme per microones
Curs de feminisme per microones — Natza Farré
Llibre titulat Curs de feminisme per miocroones.
Autora: Natza Farré i Maduell
Editorial: Ara Llibres
Idioma: edició en català
ISBN: 978-84-16154-86-9
Enquadernació: tapa tova
Dimensions: W 16 cm × L 23 cm
Pàgines: 176
Publicació: Setembre de 2016
Natza Farré
. És pessimista d’origen i persistent d’adopció. Va néixer dona i creu que morirà dona. Viu a Barcelona. Treballa als mitjans de comunicació i és autònoma en el sentit fiscal del terme. Quan no escriu, fa fotografies o dorm. No té prou cabells blancs per tenyir-se i si es posa talons, cau. Detesta la calor a l’estiu
Llibre titulat Curs de feminisme per miocroones.
Autora: Natza Farré i Maduell
Editorial: Ara Llibres
Idioma: edició en català
ISBN: 978-84-16154-86-9
Enquadernació: tapa tova
Dimensions: W 16 cm × L 23 cm
Pàgines: 176
Publicació: Setembre de 2016
Natza Farré
. És pessimista d’origen i persistent d’adopció. Va néixer dona i creu que morirà dona. Viu a Barcelona. Treballa als mitjans de comunicació i és autònoma en el sentit fiscal del terme. Quan no escriu, fa fotografies o dorm. No té prou cabells blancs per tenyir-se i si es posa talons, cau. Detesta la calor a l’estiu
«The worst thing that can happen to us is not that our mascara runs or that we break a heel just as we leave home. The worst thing that can happen to us is to continue as we are, as women.»
A knock on the table to reinforce the role of feminism in our society. No constraints, no beating around the bush, no fear. With sense of humour. Essential, urgent & straight into the bloodstream. An express feminism course, with reasons & arguments, data & examples, and also humour, irony & a bit of sarcasm. A necessary work that denounces the hidden masculinity in all areas of our daily lives —education, language, culture, the media, politics...— and that calls for a radical way to deal with it: with a revolution, the 21st century feminist revolution that will change everything, because it will change women.
Natza Farré stands as a vindictive, enthusiastic & rebellious voice who writes, from the most absolute non-conformism, that women must be feminists by nature, simply because they are women. If they are not, this book will just convince them. This is the only way they can change the world.
With the support of the Departament of Cultura.
A knock on the table to reinforce the role of feminism in our society. No constraints, no beating around the bush, no fear. With sense of humour. Essential, urgent & straight into the bloodstream. An express feminism course, with reasons & arguments, data & examples, and also humour, irony & a bit of sarcasm. A necessary work that denounces the hidden masculinity in all areas of our daily lives —education, language, culture, the media, politics...— and that calls for a radical way to deal with it: with a revolution, the 21st century feminist revolution that will change everything, because it will change women.
Natza Farré stands as a vindictive, enthusiastic & rebellious voice who writes, from the most absolute non-conformism, that women must be feminists by nature, simply because they are women. If they are not, this book will just convince them. This is the only way they can change the world.
With the support of the Departament of Cultura.
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