Hedy mobile holder


Mobile phone/card holder Hedy — Forest

44.00 € 44.0 EUR 44.00 €

44.00 €

Not available online

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Expected delivery time for items in stock: 2 working days.
Buy before 3pm and advance delivery 1 working day.*
+48h Andorra, Balearic Islands, Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Ceuta, Melilla, and Gibraltar.
+72h Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Palma, La Gomera, and El Hierro.
+96h Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
Shipping costs:
7€ Peninsular Spain / 12€ Balearic Islands and Portugal / 20€ Canary Islands, Ceuta, Gibraltar, and Andorra / 30€ Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
Free return guarantee in 14 days​.
(*see Terms and conditions)

Porta-mòbil / targeter de cuir boví en color verd bosc

Bossa original, minimalista i pràctica per tenir el telèfon a mà i protegit
Compartiment principal pel telèfon i butxaca interior per a guardar-hi targetes, efectiu, claus…
Nansa regulable amb un nus corredís
Tanca amb imant metàl·lic, acabat en or vell
Dimensions: 20 x 11 cm

Cos: cuir boví de primera qualitat (europeu)

Eviteu llargues exposicions al sol, i protegiu de l'aigua i d'altres líquids com l'alcohol o l'oli, que poden tacar i fer malbé el cuir
És important hidratar bé el cuir! Primer s'ha de netejar amb un drap de cotó una mica humit i després cal aplicar-hi un producte hidratant (apte per a cuir) per tota la superfície; el to del cuir puja, però un cop absorbeix el producte, torna a quedar com abans, sense rascades ni esgarrapades

Fet a mà a Argentona, Barcelona
Disseny: Ingrid Ventura Rodrigo
INGRID VENTURA is a sculptor & jeweller from Mataró who is in love with sewing & leather. Her bags carry the names of women who have marked our history. In tribute & recognition to THEM, to us... to THEM ALL.

This mobile holder owes its name to Hedy Lamarr, inventor and first actress to appear totally nude in a film in the history of cinema. She escaped to the United States from her first husband, who kept her under continuous control & surveillance; and that was where she developed a technology that, today, is still in use for mobile networks, bluetooth devices, and wifi.

'I am a woman above anything'___Hedy Lamarr.
