Alga necklace

Long enamelled cooper necklace — Mercè Llopis

65.29 € 65.29 EUR 65.29 €

79.00 €

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Collaret llarg amb penjoll de coure esmaltat

Es presenta en estoig de cartró

Penjoll amb cordó de longitud regulable
Fabricació artesanal; cada peça està feta a ma i, per tant, és única
Dimensions: ø 10 cm, L màx. 55 cm


Penjoll: coure esmaltat a baixa temperatura

Cordill: cotó

Fet a Barcelona
Disseny: Mercè Llopis Freixas (Barcelona, 1961)
M.MANS is the name that identifies the set of jewelry or wearable pieces created by Mercè Llopis Freixas. Handmade ones that arise from the discovery of materials, experimentation with them and the search for their characteristics.

After the discovery of a material —a thread, a paste, a cable— and its manipulation, there is a will to reveal its potential: what it's possible to be made, what it does by itself, and how it reacts to fingers' action. Then, with the information given back, the resolution of an object that has a specific & immediate use is completed, a process similar to that of architectural projects but condensed in time, space & cost.

From this exercise, pieces emerge that are characterized by their sobriety of form & solution, and by the purity of their geometry. Pieces that reveal the plasticity of their construction system, highlighting the qualities of the elements that compose them, and that resolve their functionality with minimal gestures.
Brand M.MANS


Brand M.MANS