Double hairpin
Alpaca double hairpin
Agulla doble per recollir la cabellera
Inclou una bossa de cotó per evitar que es ratlli
Dimensions: L 14 cm
Material: alpaca
Acabat: lluent
Per estar per casa, en el dia a dia o per a una festa
Es col·loca com un llapis, i també es pot posar recollint només la meitat de la cabellera
Disseny: Lucía Ruíz de Assín
Fet a Madrid, España
Agulla doble per recollir la cabellera
Inclou una bossa de cotó per evitar que es ratlli
Dimensions: L 14 cm
Material: alpaca
Acabat: lluent
Per estar per casa, en el dia a dia o per a una festa
Es col·loca com un llapis, i també es pot posar recollint només la meitat de la cabellera
Disseny: Lucía Ruíz de Assín
Fet a Madrid, España
DEASSÍN is the look, the hands, and head of Lucía Ruiz de Assín. Her pieces of jewellery pursue to transcend trends, become essential, valuable to the extent of reaffirming the user’s identity. A piece of jewellery can be much more than an accessory. A jewel is a medium for artistic expression, the body is a compelling starting point.
This double alpaca hairpin is drawn directly from the body rather than captured on paper: a simple, primitive form that intuitively begin to take shape around the hair. The output is a simple, light, and spontaneous pin. Beautiful. Cause less, is more.
This double alpaca hairpin is drawn directly from the body rather than captured on paper: a simple, primitive form that intuitively begin to take shape around the hair. The output is a simple, light, and spontaneous pin. Beautiful. Cause less, is more.
Brand | DEASSÍN |
Brand | DEASSÍN |
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