Sant Jordi's rose

Red Naomi type rose, 80 cm stem

9.00 € 9.0 EUR 9.00 €

9.00 €

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Rosa individual de tija llarga acompanyada d'espigues de blat

Es presenta en tub de plàstic ple d'aigua, per a millor transport i conservació

Tipus: Red Naomi
Tija: 80 cm

Color: roig fosc

Poseu la rosa en aigua com més aviat millor per
 mantenir-la fresca el màxim de temps. Desfeu-vos de les fulles necessàries per a què no entrin en contacte amb l'aigua. Feu un tall oblic a 2 cm de la base per afavorir l'absorció d'aigua, i repetir-ho aprox. cada 2 o 3 dies 
També podeu penjar la teva rosa cap per avall tal com l'adquiriu per a conservar-la seca en lloc de fresca

Importat d'Holanda
Enough with fierce dragons, fragile princesses, and brave knights. At Mundana, we believe it's time to give the legend of Sant Jordi a modern twist, just like other timeless tales, to challenge gender stereotypes. Instead of flipping the roles to portray a cowardly Sant Jordi and a courageous princess, we seek a more nuanced approach. However, we admit that despite lacking an improved version, we are quite annoyed with the tradition of gifting a red rose to women —symbolizing beauty— and a book to men —representing the intellect of reading.

Why not simplify things? We urge you to reimagine the legend in your own way and to gift roses and books at your discretion to break down outdated gender stereotypes. We're not suggesting anything groundbreaking; this isn't new territory for you. But if these thoughts lead you to ponder the need for societal evolution, we'll be more than happy.

Happy Sant Jordi's Day to all of you!
